Carphone Warehouse announces unlimited download Nokia PAYG 'Comes With Music' phone

The big news may be about the Tube but the Carphone Warehouse and Nokia have packaged together a rather intriguing proposition for those of the pay-as-you-go persuasion. The deal is they sell you a Nokia 5310 XpressMusic handset for £129.95 and you get not only the phone,but also unlimited access to the Comes With Music service for a year. In fact, I think I demonstrated it rather well in the picture. There's the £129.95 in pink, next to the Nokia 5310 XpressMusic phone which, as you can see, "comes with" a pile of CDs representing "music". And that's all at the Carphone Warehouse or at least on the forecourt of the head office. The deal hits the insides of the blue-branded iPhone stores on 16th October and, even after your 12 months expire, you still get to keep all the music you've downloaded. Of course, it'll be DRM-ed up to the eye-balls but there you go. Anyway, at least you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own PC . The goo...