All New Honda CBR250R

Honda CBR250R BANGKOK (dp) - A.P. Honda Co.., Ltd.., Thailand, today, Wednesday (27/10), officially launched the all-new Honda CBR250R in Bangkok. The launch of this bike sports at once began selling Honda motorcycles 250cc engine capacity in the ASEAN market. Contributors in Bangkok, Komar Johari, reported the launch carried out promptly at 13:00 local time (same as Jakarta) in Zentera Grand (Central World), Bangkok. According to the latest Honda CBR 250R will be manufactured in Thailand and began to be marketed in November 2010. The machine is said to be held CBR250R is a production of Thai Honda Maufacturing Co.., Ltd.. (Thai Honda). The presence of this sporty model is the first in production in Thailand. In addition marketed in Thailand and ASEAN, including Indonesia, CBR250R will be supplied to the fulfillment of consumers in Japan, Europe, North America, and Australia. In Japan this product will be marketed starting in 2011. According to Thai Honda, d...