Honda Sport Cars Air Concept

Honda Sport Cars Air Concept The Japanese Cars company has created the Air concept , an alternative transportation solutions for those with a hyperactive lifestyle . The company's design ers took inspiration from roller coasters and skydiving wind suits , the Honda Sport Cars Air Concept is powered by a compressed air and pneumatic regulator system . Honda Sport Cars Air Concept This system ‘utilizes turbo vacuums and external air-flow to regenerate tank pressure for extended range and increased boost for an estimated 100 miles’. to keep the car lightweight, all components are mounted directly to the chassis, eliminating unnecessary structures. With a chassis composed of vegetable-based polymer panels , Honda Sport Cars Air Concept weighs a mere 800 pounds and its reserve tanks can be filled via a gas station tire filler or a common off-the-shelf air compressor. Honda Sport Cars Air Concept The Honda Sport Cars Air Concept ’s cockpit and package is aimed at maximizing the ope...